Reading is something that I truly enjoy, though I do not find as much time to do so. Maybe I should say that I get busy with other things and just don’t pick up a book. Last year about this time, my husband to be bought me one of my favorite gadgets. He got me the Nook Color and let’s just say that I love it so much. I’ve always been one that loves holding a book and knowing that I’ll have it years to come. With that said, I love the Nook Color because it keeps my place and I can even highlight right down to the word of where to start reading again. People will always have something to say, but I am a lover of books and therefore I can either go to a bookstore or just hop online to buy a copy for my Nook. Right now I am reading a physical book and loving it. It’s by one of my favorite authors Nicholas Sparks. If I’m holding my Nook or a book, if I can get lost in a good story line then I’m as happy as a lark.
My Girly Girl has started playing Spring Softball, and so far her team has won both games played. She has a love hate relationship with softball; I just want her to have fun. Due to her Mom making her play, she is on her first team with kid pitch. This is her 4th year playing softball but she doesn’t really care to play, though her Mom thinks she needs to. Her Daddy & I support her but we just want her to be happy and have a good time. Here’s to hoping that she gets better and actually learns to like playing.
Saturday night my husband and I had a date night. That is something that we try to do but sometimes it just doesn’t work out. He surprised me by calling and asking if I wanted to do dinner and a movie. Sometimes the little things mean the most, and make me love him even more. I’m extremely thankful to have him as my husband!
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