Sunday, September 16, 2012

A Week In Review...

This past week was a very challenging one, with me taking on a lot more responsibility at work.  The teacher that I work with was out sick and I had to wing it.  Actually I must say that I did a pretty awesome job and even though it was stressful at times, I truly enjoyed it.  It’s amazing how rewarding teaching is and I love waking up at 5am knowing that I’m going to teach some special little kids something new.  If I’ve not mentioned it, I love my new job.

Last Saturday my Girly Girl’s travel ball team held a car wash to raise money for her team.  They did a really good job and raised more than $500 which is pretty cool.  The Girly Girl and I spend a some quality time making her car wash poster, which I must say turned out pretty amazing.


On Monday, the 10th David & I reached our one year of being married.  I love the Hubs with all my heart, even though the ups and downs.  Life is good and I’m enjoying the ride.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Happy Labor Day & National Empty Chair Day

Here it is, September 3rd and the end of Summer.  I can’t begin to say how much I love the next few months. It’s this time of the year that makes me truly happy, it means we are closer to cool crisp weather and the holidays.  It’s been a pretty great Summer in our house. We went on an amazing vacation, and I got a new job, not to mention the day to day great things that happened.  So here I am, saying farewell to Summer and Looking forward for the fall to begin.  Here’s a little something to celebrate the day.